Small business coaches word cloud

Ann Strong

Helping Women Business Owners Become Strong From Within

Ann strong strengthsfinder trainerCoaching packages starting at $295.

Self-employed since the age of twenty-three, Ann Strong has been a small business owner for more than thirty years and a business coach for almost twenty years.

She’s a certified Strengths Strategy coach and uses the StrengthFinder assessment to help clients identify and maximize the genius of their top  strengths, in their small businesses and personal lives.

Prior to becoming a business coach, Ann ran a small newspaper, a marketing company, and a graphic design agency – all in the Denver metro area.

In 1997, Ann was drawn to business coaching, after hiring a life coach. Through being coached, she realized that her own strengths, interests, deep love of people, and championing of self-employment would make her a powerful small business coach.

Since then, she’s helped hundreds of small business owners reach their potential, and she’s also served as a mentor coach for other business coaches and life coaches.

Business Purpose And Coaching Style
Ann coaches small business owners because her purpose involves “inspiring and urging each of us to free ourselves from our self-created prisons so that we may be more fully ourselves and make our unique contributions to the planet.”

As a coach, she’s constantly listening for and reflecting back the genius in each person. She’s also looking for the perspectives or ideas that are hindering or limiting the expression of that brilliance. She then works with clients to shift or dissolve limiting ideas and to create new perspectives and questions that reveal new possibilities.

Ann’s favorite aspect of small business coaching is witnessing “the ah-ha moment when clients realize that they’re the ones holding themselves back, which means they can change that.”

She works primarily with women (and some extraordinary men) business owners who “want to fully express themselves and make their contributions by providing healing, personal development, or business services.”

Small Business Coaching And Consulting Services
Ann offers business coaching for individuals, partners, and work teams. In addition, she occasionally offers group coaching for groups of six to twelve people. All of her coaching packages are custom-tailored so that the package exactly fits the client’s needs.

Ann offers her coaching by phone and through in-person retreats in Santa Fe. In addition to business coaching, Ann also offers business consulting services.

Personal Notes
Born and raised in Denver, Colorado, Ann now lives just outside of Santa Fe, New Mexico. Her interests and passions include: Kundalini yoga, partner yoga, outdoor concerts, inspiring documentaries, skiing, walking in the New Mexico desert, and finding the most delicious latte and best tasting sushi wherever she is.

Click the following link in order to schedule a free consultation with business coach Ann Strong, please call (505) 466-1358, or e-mail her at

Please note: We offer coaching for small businesses throughout the Denver metro area, Colorado, as well as across the U.S.

Photo credit for Ann’s photo: Peleg Top.